Course curriculum

    1. What is this course about?

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Part 1 : ECE 101 - Week 1

    2. Part 2 : ECE 101 - Week 1

    3. Part 3 : ECE 101 - Week 1

    4. Part 4 : ECE 101 - Week 1

    5. CCE accompanying letter for internship.pdf

    6. CCE agreement for internship.pdf

    7. Course work, Internship documentation and Course evaluation

    1. Part1- ECE 101 - Week 2 -Prime Areas of Growth

    2. Part 2 - ECE 101 - Week 2 - Prime Areas of Growth

    3. Part 3- ECE 101 - Week 2 -Prime Areas of Growth

    4. Part 4- ECE 101 - Week 2 - Prime Areas of Growth

    5. Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

    6. EYFS Development Matters_Prime Areas by age and aspects

    7. Documentation Details

    8. Write your reflections on Week 2

    1. 1_Assignment _week 3.pdf- READING ASSIGNMENT (Week 3 of the ECE Diploma course) Here are the assignment and reading materials for week 3 of the ECE Diploma.

    2. 2_PSED_Fostering and tips.pdf- Fostering Healthy Social & Emotional Development in Young Children- Tips for EARLY Childhood Teachers and Providers

    3. 3_Language development.pdf- Communication, Language and Literacy from birth to five

    4. 4_PatriciaKuhl_2010X-480p

    5. 5_Talk Read Sing.pdf- Talk, Read and Sing Together Every Day!

    6. 6_Amount of physical activity in Finnish day care.pdf- The amount of physical activity in Finnish day care

    7. 7_Early childhood neurodevelopment_E-book.pdf

    8. Write your reflections on Week 3

    1. Diploma in ECE_Week 4_Development matters and characteristics of effecive learning

    2. EYFS development matters by age and aspects_SPECIFIC AREAS.pdf

    3. Play.pdf- Active Play and Healthy Development

    4. EYFS_messyplay.pdf- All About…Messy Play

    5. EYFS_play_exploration.pdf- Effective practice: Play and Exploration

    6. EYFS_creativ_cri_think.pdf- Effective practice: Creativity and Critical Thinking

    7. Music and movement.pdf- Music and Movement for Young Children’s Healthy Development

    8. SPECIFIC AREAS_STEM_toddlers.pdf- Let’s Talk, Read and Sing about STEM!

    9. SPESIFIC AREAS_STEM_preschool.pdf- Let’s Talk, Read and Sing about STEM!

    10. Children's participation_case Finland.pdf- Children’s participation in Finnish pre-school education - Identifying, Describing and Documenting Children’s Participation

    11. Write your reflections on Week 4

About this course

  • €450,00
  • 80 lessons
  • 13 hours of video content

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