Course curriculum

    1. PL101 Course Overview

    2. About the Course and leadership

    3. Opening Session : Narrow Vs Wide View on Educational Leadership

    1. Reading Assignment - Leadership Styles

    2. Quiz over Reading Assignment 1 : Leadership Styles

    1. Overview of Finnish Education System

    2. Typical Finland Classroom -

    3. The secretes of Finnish Educational success

    4. Finnish Education System: A Model for Success

    5. The History of Finnish Education and Finland Education Model by Kari Louhivuori

    6. Evaluating the state of the Finnish education system: Results of the Finnish education evaluation

    7. Finnish Education and Role of society

    1. Leadership Styles

    2. The Characteristics and requirements for the Principal and future schools

    3. The characteristics of the 21st century educational leader

    4. The Impact of Leadership Styles on Educational Outcomes

    5. Role of Education Technology and core learning at the center

    6. Supporting Reading Material with analysis

    1. Role of Principals in Finnish Schools and

    2. Session 5 : Using Principal's power of trust-part1

    3. Session 5 : Using Principal's power of trust -part2

    4. Session 5: Key Points in the Finnish education system and Students support group

    1. Finnish Curriculum and Transversal Competences

    2. Session 4 : National Goals of Education and Curriculum

    3. Session 4 : PL101: The 21st Century Skills and the need for educational change

    4. Session 4 : Curriculum as a guiding tool for the principal

    5. New national core curriculum for basic education: focus on school culture and integrative approach

    6. Latest Curriculum from the Finnish National Agency for Education can be found online and can purchased for personal use

About this course

  • €450,00
  • 44 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content
  • Live Meetings
  • Expert Forum
  • Case Studies

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