Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 1: Overview of Finnish Early Years Education and Care

    2. Lesson 2: National Goals and Objectives of Finnish Early Years Education and Care

    3. Lesson 3: Evaluation of Early Years Education and Care in Finland

    4. Lesson 4: Finland's Approach to Early Childhood Education and Care: A Comprehensive Guide

    5. Lesson 5: Understanding the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care

    6. Lesson 6: Transversal Competencies in Finnish ECEC

    7. Assignment: Sharing Insights on Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care

    1. Lesson 1: Understanding Play and Learning in Finland

    2. Lesson 2: Developing Skills and Understanding Through Play

    3. Lesson 3: Assessment in Play-Based Learning: The Finnish Approach

    4. Lesson 4: Choosing Activities, Assessment, and Planning in Early Childhood Education

    5. Lesson 5: Promoting Parent Involvement in Finnish ECEC

    6. Lesson 6: Evaluation Methods for Assessing Child Development

    7. Lesson 7: Holistic Assessment Approaches for Key Aspects of Child Development

    8. Lesson 8: Play in Finnish Kindergarten

    9. Lesson 9: Joy, Play and Doing things together

    10. Assignment

    1. Lesson 1: Identifying Key Skills and Competencies

    2. Lesson 2: What are Finnish learning Areas?

    3. Lesson 3: Understanding Attributes of Finnish Learning Areas

    4. Lesson 4: Transversal Competence

    5. Lesson 5: Social Emotional Learning in ECE

    6. Preschool tips from Finland: Importance of Nature in ECE - Virtual trek to the Finnish forest with a child

    7. Preschool tips from Finland: Me and my community

    8. Preschool tips from Finland: Exploring and interacting in my enviroment

    9. Preschool tips from Finland: I Grow Move and Develop

    10. Preschool tips from Finland: Support and Inclusion - Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care

    1. Lesson 1: Understanding SISU in the Finnish Context of Early Years Education and Care

    2. Lesson 2: SISU - Practical Applications in Early Education

    3. Lesson 3 - Real-life Examples of SISU

    4. Lesson 4: Parental Involvement and SISU

    5. Lesson 5: Practical ways to SISU Implementation

    6. Lesson 6: What is SISU Box? Exploring Finnish Preschool in a Box

    7. Understanding the SISU Box Experience - Section 1: Hands-On Learning Philosophy

    8. Understanding the SISU Box Experience - Section 2: Key Learning Areas in Finnish ECE

    9. Understanding the SISU Box Experience: The Role of SISU Box in Designing Learning Spaces

    10. Understanding the SISU Box Experience - Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Learning Spaces

    11. Case Study : Rich World of Languages - Learning Station

    12. Assignment 1 - Reflective Essay

    13. Assignment 2: Implementation Plan Submission

    1. Lesson 1: Understanding and Applying Indicators of Quality in Finnish Early Years Education and Care

    2. Lesson 2: Evaluating Early Years Education and Care in Finland

    3. Assignment

    1. Finnish STEAM Education for ECE

    2. In Finland, Kids Learn Computer Science Without Computers

    3. STEAM - Play-way Methods

    4. Patterns in a day / A child’s day in Finnish kindergarten:

    5. Assignment

About this course

  • €450,00
  • 63 lessons

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